Friday, May 15, 2009

I did not get a chance to interview a Olive Harvey College student, I keept pushing it to the last minute. But I do have a pictures of my girls ester egg decorating frenzy. These are the future artist of tomorrow!

What is BEAUTY? One day on my way to school I heard on the radio of a class that was writing about the six wonders of the world. While the other student wrote about I-Pods, Computers and Game-players. One girl wrote the following:
1.) Vision
2.) Hearing

3.) Tasting

4.) Feeling

5.) Smelling

6.) Love

When the professor asked her why she had written this she answered: The most beautiful thing than man has created is love because it is something you can see, hear, taste, smell and feel. To me that is beauty!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

What is Beauty? by Stephanie Manuel

According to webster beauty is the quality or aggregate of qualities in a person or thing that gives pleasure to the senses or plesurably exalts the mind or spirit.
Having an excellent quality, ornamental ,brilliant, extreme.
Beauty to me is the ability to stand out and be seen for who or what you have or are.The ability to be who or what you are inspite of what has tried to take away from the person place or thing.
The ability to shine and be noticed inany situation or circumstance that could have nothing to do with you but the presence of that very object must be addressed. Examples of beauty a perfect red apple the second week of fall when leaves are golden green and red. A fresh blanket of snow. Two people in love and you can feel it.

Beauty Is.........Quotes About Life & Love

American Poet, Emily Dickinson, quotes, "Beauty is not caused. It is." Beauty is defined as extreme physical attractiveness or characteristics that are pleasurable to see. However, different elements of beauty appeal to different people. Colors, shapes, and structure are amongst some of the elements that makes beauty, beautiful to some people. Personally, quotes that poses lessons about life and love is what makes the theme of beauty,beauty.

Tom Bodett, quotes, "The difference between school and life? In school, you're taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, you're given a test that teaches you a lesson." This quote is an example of beauty because it gives a realistic fact of the comparison between school and life. In school, a person is taught many lessons about the world in which they live in, but it isn't until that person steps out into the world, that those lessons are truly learned. In life, there is always something that will seem to block or alter you plans or goals, but it is through this blockage that you learn what you must do the next time, that can have a different outcome or effect.

American poet, Ralph Waldo Emerson quotes, "For everything you have missed, you have gained something else, and for everything you gained, you lose something else." This quote is an example of beauty because there is always an opportunity cost associated with life. An opportunity cost is when a person spends their time doing one activity, which has an effect on them completing another which may help or hurt them along the way. In life, there is always something being compromised for something else in which a person may feels that giving up that "something" is right for them. However, that person will never know the value of what they are giving up because they gained something in return. Also, at the same time when a person has gained something, they have lost somethingwhich can affect them as well.

Brandi Synder quotes, "To the world you may just be one person, but to one person, you may just be the world." This quote is an example of beauty because it expresses the feeling of being in love with someone. When a person is in love with someone, they think highly of that person. The feeling that they get from being in love is that the person that they are with means everything to them. Everything in life that is essential and worth having is that person.

Beauty, no matter the form means something different to each individual. However, for me, beauty is quotes about life and love. It is the meaning of the quotes that imposes the theme of beauty. The quote by Tom Bodett is an example of beauty because it gives a realistic fact about learning lesson about life. The quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson is an example of beauty because it expresses the idea of opportunity cost. The quote by Brandi Synder is an example of beauty because it expresses the feeling of being in love with someone. Overall, beauty to me is the meaning of quotes that poses lessons of life and love.
To me beauty can be that sexy women i seen last week? no for me beauty is part of nature. In my picture you will the see how waterfalls and tree's wonderful and aslo colorful.

To me water is pure its plain but has that clear view, its like seeing life in front of you. You have a clear understanding of nature purpose of beauty which is in the eye of the holder everyone sees beauty different I alos think the birth of a baby is the most beautyful thing for everyone. You see yourself in the child. The process of rising children you see things in them that others dont see.

Nature is god child and to him it was beautful to watch his daughter grow and take her places in life and on earth. Tree's have there on value as beauty without trees we as people would not have some of the thing we have today in life,there wood be no paper or baseball bats. Trees are beauty for the things they make in life.

I fell in love with waterfalls as a kid my father use to take me and my brothers fishing that was are time to bond with nature and each other. I remeber from my child hood that every time we went the water was clean the birds was out the trees were always colorful. To me beauty is everthing that is natural in life within the eye holder who's looking.

Some people may think my reason of a waterfall being beauty may not be to them which is ok because they have there on opinoin. But what I say to those people is that go to a waterfall with some one you love and watch how you fell later or just take a class at olive-harvey college make sure your theacher is Ms.Younge and she will help you figure out what beauty means to you.

Thanks for everthing Ms.Younge

An Interview with Darius Scott by Stephanie Manuel

Student : Darius Scott
Picture name: Graffiti
Term : Spring 2009
Artist History: 1st semester
Darius Scott is a student at Olive Harveyin Professor Duran's class
Darius stated that his love for graffiti and flowers inspired him to create this piece.
Darius chose to use colors that allowed him to reflect the look of a rose.
This picture is actually a picture of his last name.
Darius Scott has an ultimate goal of being a video designer.
Darius Scott has one additional year to complete before moving on to an institution of higher learning.
In this piece of art work Darius used colored pencil and construction paper.
This piece allows the artist to express his love for free design.
Darius completed this piece in one week. This is one of many pieces of his work.
When I look at this picture it puts me in the mind of a garden or tree it also gives a feel for a book from my childhood" where the wild things are".
He uses bright and vibrant colors to express the nature side of his drawing.
For an amature artist I would say that this piece is warm and inviting.

Value of Beauty

I think the answer to the question "What is the value of beauty?" is best answered by the ever so popular phrase, Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Therefore beauty has no price value in all actuality, what beauty is and what is the value of that beauty depends solely on the person.

In terms of art people place value on many items, a piece by Picasso would be said to have a value of a million dollars, where as a personal piece of my own would be worth merely as much as the sheet of paper i drew it on. Thats sort of how when people create paintings they dont think of it in terms of how much will this be worth. Its more of a conceptual value to self. So an artwork that I create may be worth the world to me in terms of material and price value because it has a secial meaning to me. It doesnt have to be of value to anyone else.

I honestly think that beauty has no shared value between people. We all see the world differently, we value things differently. The only value beauty has is the value of self.

True, beauty opens locked doors. Many people look for external beauty, and they forget about feelings. But in the end, when the beauty is over, the same doors will be closed.

I consider myself a young lady of many talents. I can my play an instrument, I can play many sports, I can sew, etc...Now I have grown a new talent and that is, drawing. Reason being, when I improvise on my trombone I express myself a much as I can through my horn because I don't get many chances to expressing myself to people as much as I should. When I draw I feel the same way.

The picture that I have chosen to show is the picture I drew of a Dandelion. Reason being, the dandelion, surprisingly, is one of my favorite flowers. It is because I feel that dandelions is a flower that represents letting go of problems in life to me. For this reason, when you blow or when the wind blows on the dandelion the pedals blow away. I feel that when I blow the pedals of a dandelion I'm blowing away the problems that I am having in life, the fears I have in life, the detours, etc... Moreover, having the joy to blowing the dandelion away is therapeutic to me.


Trying to define what beauty means to me is difficult. There are many things in my life that I can say represent beauty. Such as, my trombone, my family, my friends, etc... However, there are two people that really strike me as being what pure beauty means to me, inside and out, and they are, my parents. For this reason, my parents have been married for twenty-two years, and have delivered the best support anyone has ever done during my 19 years of living.

As I bloom to be a strong, Black educated, young lady they have always tried to help me get through different detours that i have been faced with in my life. They have always been the ones to really push me to become a better person, student, musician, etc... However, there are times when I don't want to be bothered with them or want to listen to them but in the end I do because they want whats best for me and want to see me succeed.

I truly appreciate my parents and what they do, what they have done, and what they continue to do for me. I honestly would not have made it this far in my life without the support and guidance from them.


To define beauty is impossible. That is, there is no universal definition for beauty. The meaning of beauty may vary from persona to persona. I believe beauty like all other emotions is one that comes from within and is not subjected to just what the naked eyes can see or hands touch. Also i believe that for one to be able to see the beauty in anything, they should be able to understand and appreciate what the various compositions of that object are and how they contribute to creating the end result.

To me, beauty is whatever you want it to be. Beauty can be pain, hate, love, money... etc. The factors that i may use to measure the beauty in an object may change when the object in question changes. However, the only aspect that remains unchanged is the fact that i consider the various factors that go into creating the object in question. My appreciation of the various factors that make up something may compel me to acknowledge its beauty. An example is in the situation where after listening to a song for the first time, i loathed it. Upon listening to closely a second time, my initial resentment changed. This is because on the second time, i chose to recognize the effort and listen to the words and rhythm instead of its beats. Upon realizing the message in the song and how its been infused with the beat to make a song, i began to appreciate the song much more than initially. This lead to my acknowledgment of the songs beauty.

Also, while artifacts like Michelangelo's David may be perceived to posses beauty and of great value by most aristocrats, the very same sculpture may be considered invaluable and ugly by a less wealthy person. This can be attributed to the fact that, this sculpture holds different meaning to both persons. The aristocrat may feel this way about the sculpture because it was made my Michelangelo. The other man who happens to be less fortunate might feel anything with beauty has to be useful and since he cannot use the sculpture for anything, there is no beauty in it.

All in all, it is clear that to see the beauty in something, it all depends on ones circumstances and what factors they consider important about that object, So in my own short words, beauty is the attribute of an object that makes it desirable.
Mr. Aryee

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

What is the value of B-E-A-U-T-Y

Personally, Beauty as we all know doesn’t need any kind of ornaments. It is a gift from God. The person who gets blessed by nature, he gets blessed with precious beauty. A beautiful person is one who has beautiful personality, gives a different kind of impression on others.
Everybody likes beautiful creatures. Behold, every body wants to be beautiful to have beautiful impression on other people. In the whole world's, cosmetics are just working on to make women beautiful, but it’s true that you can buy things with money but you can't buy real beauty. People can buy things with money to make it true. But the Creator doesn't want any kind of changes in his creation. Changing nature to look beautiful doesn't has to do with personality. Everything that shines doesn't mean its gold. If people are successful, it’s not because they are physically beautiful, It’s just of their intelligence, the way they understand, their knowledge and their positive attitudes.
Nature is like smiling mother. A Parrot is a beautiful bird but parrot harms the farmer's field by eating his crop. If we see a honey bee, we get honey from this bee, but if the same bee bites you then you feel so much pain. You see ugly eagles flying in the sky, but they help us to keep our environment clean. The pride of physical beauty is all these natural creatures. The beauty is what is in your inside, that is beauty and that will live forever. Beauty is good things that you do. Your nice behavior with others, the way you understand a person, the way you trust a person, the way you love a person, the way you care, the way you share, your honesty and your self- confidence. It makes your personality so beautiful.
One thing to remember is that people will forget what you say; people will forget what you do; but they will never forget what you made them feel. You are unique, and your character is unique. Never feel any kind of lack in you. To live wonderful, you have to feel wonderful! Some people said that a beautiful woman is a diamond but truthful, honest, trustworthy woman is a treasure.
Finally, I would like to say that Beautiful person is that who does beautiful, who says beautiful and who feels beautiful and helps other people to do the same!

My friend Tashanda Johnson did this picture last semester for her art class with Ms. Durant. The thing I like about this picture is that she use's many colors to express how she sees herself in this picture as the art work. I like how the picture is trying to tell a story about a woman caught up in nature's web trying to find herself. Her life is in different area's of the picture most of the time she is colorfully. I believe she is a mix race girl who is having a hard time trying to fit in her community trying to get people to accept her.

I asked my friend why she painted this picture she told me that it was hard for her cause she moves around alot and went to different schools and was always an outcast felt she would never fit in with everyone else who looked at her in a nagative way. Her only comfort zone was when she went back to her old community where she saw her friends and family and felt she was accepted

What B-E-A-UTY Means to me!!!!

Beauty for me is everything my two eyes let me see. There are those that think something is very attractive or even might think it can just be plain ugly and see nothing nice about it. I always tend to see what is the purpose of the artist or creator meant to give us. Even if it just might be a human being and not very attractive, he or she is still unique and makes him or her stand out within a crowd or anything surrounded. Beauty has a purpose to let itself stand out by other living or nonliving things. A way of form I can define Beauty is by the color wheel. Colors to people might be reasons why they choose one thing over another. For example fashion. There are those time eras when bright colors are in style and make you feel comfortable with other beings out in the streets. As we humans, we are made from different types of skin color. Many of us can and will receive differnt amount of sun which will then later give us the melanin in us. There are those with very dark skin, almost to the point it looks like the color purple, and those that are white, white with white eyebrows. We all are beauty. We may be attractive to other people and not to some. Not just with humans there is beauty involved. Within buildings itself are beautiful as well. There are different shapes, sizes, and models referring to beauty of houses or architectures. We chose one from another because it is what we like. Everything has something different from the rest. That is why things are unique. If we were to have all of the same, this world would be just plain boring. Everything comes in different packages. We are big, fat, fluffy, skinny, thick, big butted (hahaha), skinned in many colors varied from black to white. Buildings are five floored, glass ceiling, big back yard, color of car, walls, and even bath towels. I, myself, think everything in this world is all under the category of beauty. I think personally Mrs. Younge is one HOT Sexy momma. Love your class!!!!!!

Painting of Love

A self portrait of someone can be very interesting. I chose to blog the painting I had to do for my final in Art with Professor Carr. The painting I submitted and as you can see, is a painting of my son's foot. While I was in the processes, I was happy and very enthusiastic in painting all the little details. For example, I made sure the bandage on his foot was painted. When I painted the bandage I felt pain in a way. Pain that you feel when you get a vaccination. Pain that I once had to deliever my son. The foot painting will always remind me when he got put of the hospital at first, still with his boo boos. Seeing the smallness of his foot, will remind me always the days when he was a newborn. The color of the background, which was a yellow blanket, reminds me of the unisex colors. Which at that time I didn't want to know the sex of my love one, my son. I had to blend lots of white acyclic paint with some beige color to get the right color as it was shown in the original picture. I put much effort in blending colors and shaping every part of his foot and part leg in real color. My intention was for me to remind myself of all I had to go through to have him. Pain is sacrifice. I might as well paint portraits that have lots of feelings to me. Hang them up so I can remind myself how I am strong inside and out. I love my son with all my heart.

~~~~~~~~Angel Joseph Hernandez~~~~~~~~
Painting made by mommy


“Physical beauty is the sign of an interior beauty, a spiritual and moral beauty which is the basis, the principle, and the unity of the beautiful.”
- Schiller.
Well I think that beauty is the good actions you do because true beauty is what is in the inside not the surface. Interior beauty is the most beautiful thing we have as humans we are because we take care of each other.
And I think that beauty can not be describe with words, but can be describe with actions. . But lets be realistic beauty can not have only one meaning because beauty has different meanings. And also beauty is the birth or creation of new things. And i chose the picture with a bird with its little birds that just broke out of the egg that is what i think is the beauty of being born.

Beautifully Made

The Olive-Harvey artist I chose artwork for is my friend Shelia. Many people might have seen Shelia in the halls at school but have yet to get the chance to know her. I met Shelia almost 3 years ago through a mutual friend and we have been close since then. Shelia has come a long way since that fatal car accident that almost took her life. Since then she has been drawing to express her feelings. In this picture you can see the waves moving across the page and the hands of "God" outstretched toward them. When I first saw this picture it was right after the passing of my grandparents and upon seeing it I felt at peace like it was meant just for me. Even though it is no true color to it, its just in black and white it speaks volumes every time I see it.

Art Blog: My Rendition of a Modern Elementary School

The art piece that I chose for the art blog is my own rendition of a modern day elementary school in which the primary years of a child's learning experience is emphasized. When I was creating this art piece, I thought about this school being an actual school. I thought about the people that would walk past it and what elements would signify to those people that this is a school? I decided to use basic elements of math, such as shapes, numbers, operation signs, a clock, and colors, to be the representations. The top of the school is characterized by three triangles and a clock. The top triangle is used as the bulletin for the school's name. I used the other two triangles, strictly for my design of a modern day school. The clock is used for a representation of a child learning to tell time for the first time and knowing when school starts. The left-side of the school is characterized by numbers used as windows. I used the numbers, 2, 3,4,5,as windows as a representation of a child learning to count during the primary years of school. These are some of the first numbers a child learns and I decided to use these numbers specifically. The middle building is characterized by shapes. I decided to used the basic shapes such as triangles, a circle, and an oval because these are the first shapes learned. The right-side of the school is characterized by operation signs. I decided to use operation signs as windows because along with learning to count and learning shapes, a child also has to learn basic operations to solving equations. Overall, my art piece is my own rendition of a modern day elemetary school. However, since I decided to use the basic colors, such as green, blue, yellow, and red, I turn my modern day school into a pop-open children's book. Since, these colors have a deeper effect than just being used for the school, I used them for the design for my children's book.

Natural Beauty

The clouds, have you ever seen them on rainy days? May be you have maybe not.I have, the beauty of this cloud that caught my attention because of its shade of gray. I used to be afraid of tornadoes and thunder. So I started watching the news constantly to learn more. The most amazing thing was, the colors, they could tell an entire story; the shade of gray predicted the type of storm that was about to take place. At this point I perceived that it would be a small storm due to the size of the cloud also, but minutes later it began to rain and hail. It rained for10 minutes, no exaggeration. After the rain stopped, a beautiful rainbow appeared; it was all just the beauty of nature.
I was awestricken by the clouds due to its form, color, and its overall appearance. The clouds appeared in a huge cylindrical form; like a Pringle's can. The clouds rolled across the sky like a rolling pin, at the same time a sight of the baby blue sky. The baby blue sky also allowed the golden glare of the sun to reflect. With this a very soft red was produced by the sun's glare intertwining with the grayish of the cloud indicating that the cloud was going to be a quick shower. The small bright light in the parking lot of Illinois Institute of Technology; it catches my attention because out of all the street lights and the lights on the building that could have glared the same from the sun's reflection, its glare was naturally made without any help.
I took this photo on March 31, 2009, that evening I was on my way home. It was amazing because a lady was using an umbrella and the wind didn't allow her to use it properly. I think the weather wanted people to enjoy what it had to offer. I didn't title the photo but at the moment it's tilted March 31, 2oo9. I used the letters o because it indicates the feeling I expressed at the moment. Living in the Bronzeville area, view is always beautiful and exciting; we also get to view things many other Chicago residents doesn't. the view of the Sears Tower was extremely eye catching because the Olympian colors were displayed, the colors of the clouds and the setting sun gave me a pleasant feeling.
Beauty in my opinion can be described as natural distinction. to me beauty sets the reality of the person, image, or the fact that true beauty is present. The view of the image was taken on the 35th Greenline stop facing State Street. The beauty of this photo conveys the impression of how beauty can be present in a gloomy setting and how it will be perfected regardless of the impact. Like a child at the age of five that loses their front teeth, it shows the beauty of a growing person. Beauty again is the most distinctive attribute that hasn't been enhanced or touched, the way the beauty was seen is the way it was gained.....naturally.

one night only

This piece was created by an artist who goes by the name Michelle. It is an oil painting no more than two years old. I like this painting because of the story it tells, and the colors used to tell the story. Here you have what appears to be a jazz band: The lead (lady) singer to the left, the man i call Micheal Jackson on the drums to the right of her, one man on the sax, and another on the guitar. The reason they are so close together is because they have a quiet, yet unique sound. This piece in my opinion was very well done. If it were an actual club setting i believe i would have had a great time. The white in this piece stands out more and this could be why this painting says a night out on the town. Beauty defined: Every good thing is beautiful in my eyes, such as Love, Family, Any one who brings positive energy to your life, Any chance you get to make others feel special, To help some one in a time of need... and so much more!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

pop art

This an art piece i did last year for an art class on high school.the idea of the piece was to paint something simple that is part of our daily life. And it was inspired by Andy Warhol's work because he was the leading artist behind the Visual Art Movement Known as "POP ART". And also, by the famous cartoon character known as "Bugs Bunny". I chose bugs bunny because it is my favorite cartoon character of all time.

Most people think of beauty as something that beholds aesthetic attractiveness. One might say that a piece of art mead by a famous artist is beautiful simply because they produced it. Some people may say that it is the material used in the art that makes it beautiful. There are also those who would say that it is the hard work the artist put into creating the art that is the true beauty of the piece. Beauty is the process in which an artist uses inspiration, with commitment, and passion to create and bring forth a message which is displayed in the piece.
There are many influences that can inspire an artist to create what they percieve as beauty. Some artist are inspired by feelings of joy. However, for Andrea Abram it was the sense of tranquility she experienced while studying non-western culture in her art class.
The process of creating these gorgeous pieces of art was long and tedious. However, she endured and continued to produce these pieces of art. Ms. abrams experienced some emotional hardship while undergoing this task. She used this turmoil as a motivation to complet what she started. In the end, it was the piece titled Friendship that she was most passionate about. She felt that maybe the piece lacked color, but it still projected her message across. The message of tranquility manifested through balanced harmony.
My opinion of beauty is: The ability to start a task and complete it no matter what situations challange you.

Beauty Is Life

Beauty can be a person, place, or thing, but in my opinion beauty is "life". I chose this picture to describe beauty because nothing says life like children at play. Children can be so full of life all the time. Also my child is what makes my life more beautiful. Beauty is something that is admired, and life is truly admired by me. Life can be something people take for granted and can not be looked at as a thing of beauty. But from the very beginning of life is something that is so beautiful and I believe is a miracle. Even though life have ups and downs, we experience these things for a reason. Sometimes to teach us a lesson or to just make us stronger. The good times should be cherished more, because in a split second this beautiful thing could come to an end.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Beauty is.....

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" is what some people say, but I honestly believe that beauty can be anything. Any person, place, or object can be defined as beauty. A beautiful subject can only be conceived at a given moment. Beauty can never be duplicated or imitated by anthing else. In my personal opinion this picture of the sun setting upon a shore is beauty.
I believe that this picture is beauty because it shows elements of the earth at its most sensitive moment. This moment can only be captured one time a day, everyday at the same exact time. The picture shows how peaceful and serene the shore can be at the latter part of a day. Whenever that time of day presents itself, the water glides against the shore calmly. The waves turn the color of white at the ends and the sun is reflected off the water. Also, the clouds are full, fluffy, and dark which constrast off the sun. This is beauty.
To me, beauty actually defines itself within itself. Natural elements being captured are beautiful.
Can a baby have some privacy?

My Manifesto by Ms Mittie

What is beauty? It can be whatever you want it to be. It is something that can transcend time and can be ever evolving. It never stays in one place. Take for instance an new article of clothing you may think it the most beautiful thing in the world at that time and then a year later you buy something new and now you think the new clothing is the most beautiful thing. In this case beauty had changed and it did not stay the same. Thus proving that beauty is relative. It actually is in the eye of the beholder corny as that may sound.

The value of beauty is immeasurable. People at art exhibits may set a price but that's just it they set a price in accordance to their specifications. Something of beauty does not have to have monetary value. Beauty to me is the sun rising in the east and setting in the west. Beauty is that picture of me with grandma before she died. Those precious moments spent with friends and family held as memories in my mind. That is beauty to me. Everything beautiful does not have to be tangible.

Beauty is the many colors that occur in nature. To me nature is beauty also. I believe it is where us humans get our inspiration to create the beautiful things that we do. Rather its paintings, photos, sculptures, architecture, clothing etc; It is truly the foundation of what we call beauty. Beauty is whatever you think it is no format to follow here. Remember ugly doesn't exist since everything we see around us is considered to be a thing of beauty to someone else.

"Talking Behind One's Back"

I chose this piece of art from a coloring book for an assignment for a drafting class when I was in the 7th grade. At that time I was very much so feeling theme being in junior high at that time. Those words reminded me of what was going on inside those 4 walls. Students and also staff believe it or not would talk about each other behind the others back. Sometimes it would be something positive or sometimes it would be negative. It is a theme that can follow you into adult because some people never change still doing the same things from when they were younger. For the visuals of the poster I chose bright fun attention grabbing colors because I was into those colors at the time. When I look at them I can feel those colors giving off energy as if the objects on poster could come to life and fly or walk off the poster.


This is a painting of the famous Spanish painter, Picasso. This artwork was done with acrylic paints and the use of different tones of grey. This painting was done by Riccardo Wilson in 1996. When the painting was done Riccardo was and art major in night class. When he first started this painting is goal and purpose was to pass the class. But as class time went by, he got really interested in Picasso and then his goal turned into finishing a great painting. When the painting was finally finished, the artist was very pleased his painting turned out that good.
In my opinion, I think this is a very good painting. The artist did a very good job with the details in Picasso face. I think the artist really focused on the eyes. He made the eyes look very mysterious and dark. Overall i like this painting and i would display it in my house.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

''WHO I AM.''

It is certain that almost all art works are preconceived.However, this particular piece was crafted under spontaneous circumstances. even years ago, i took part in an art and craft workshop and part of this workshop included my making of a souvenir. Given a piece of wood (Odom),chisel, sand paper, carpenters glue and a mallet, i was instructed to carve the first object that came to mind. At this point, the first thing that came to mind was a pen (probably because i was looking at one). So i decided to make a stationery holder.

With no experience in this field, I had no idea of what i was doing. My work did not come out as perfect as i imagined it would. Rather, it came out looking more like a wooden trophy or ''A BONG'' as some of my colleagues have expressed, but not a stationery holder. Nonetheless, it served and still serves its original purpose. Though i was not quite impressed with how my work turned out, i still took great pride in it because it was my very first experience.

The outcome of what may have seemed to be a meaningless task at that time, holds a great deal of sentimental value today. As of today, i keep this piece amongst my most valuable possessions. Not only does it prove to me i can achieve what i put my mind to but also, reminds me on a day to day basis of who i am and where i came from.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

"Me" The Olive-Harvey Artist

This is a caricature created by myself but altered by a gentlemen named Lester Angel.The project was done in 8th grade; the media used in the drawing was very simple. We used a sheet of high glossed photo paper and ballpoint Sharpie markers. I was a cheerleader and dancer in elementary school; with these activities came my passion for music and dance. I also was an interpretive dancer for a youth center. This caricature represents my outgoing and spontaneous character. During my childhood I was very active and was known to be a very busy body. The drawing also conveys this talent that i do not acknowledge. I now dance to cater to my health; it's the most exercise I do. Being a college student the measures taken can have a dreadful impact on your studies. While drawing I thought about what else would people see besides the dancer and the dance moves. I chose to convey my facial features because they are very distinct. My overall appearance has changed but my facial features remained the same while growing into a young lady. when the drawing was completed I was amazed at what I had done. Every feature from my nose to my chin to my ponytail, who couldn't tell this drawing of me, Antischa Smith....